I am officially 8 months pregnant. Holla!
We went to the doc yesterday for my 8 month checkup. They remeasured the babies and found that they are still growing at a nice and healthy rate. In fact the doc said they are overachievers...just saying they get that from Dave. Baby boy is weighing 4 pounds 4 ounces and baby girl is 4 pounds 13 ounces. That means I have over 9 pounds of baby in here already and at least 3 more weeks to go!
Dave has been rocking it up with the camera lately. Here are a few extra photos he took this morning:
So I have 3-6 more weeks to go - meaning if I went in to labor in 3 weeks, everything would hopefully be ok. But it would be better if I could wait until 38 weeks (6 more weeks). I will do whatever I can, but I have a feeling it is out of my hands a little bit. And judging by the size of my ankles...not sure how much longer I will last!