
Naps, Popcorn, and Rummikub

This Sunday was a really good day. We went to church in the morning (which was wonderful as always). After church, we made cheesy ham and potato soup and ate a lot of it. Then we fell asleep for an hour.

Have I ever mentioned that I looooove naps? I always have.

After the nap, Dave made his famous popcorn (recipe= buy light popcorn and then add lots of melted butter and salt). Of course we couldn't eat popcorn without sodas, so we walked to our apartment vending machine (in the rain, which is just cute) and got dr. peppers. We came back and watched a show while we ate our popcorn and sipped our soda.

The day ended with 2 intense games of Rummikub (seriously my new favorite game, I am addicted)...and, ahem, I won both games!

Now go take a nap or pop some popcorn and add extra butter and salt.
That's happiness right there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seriously, thank goodness for Sundays! I took a 3 hour nap. It was a total recharge from all the horrors of motherhood that drained me all week!

Question: Swine Flu...does it mess with your Cancun trip? I hope not. I'll pray that it goes away.