

I teach at an alternative high school in Round Rock called Success. I teach Child Development, Nutrition, and Family Relationships to kids who have dropped out of traditional high schools for whatever reason but want to come back and get a high school diploma. Usually my students are older - 18, 19...I have 2 that are 20.

After having taught here for 2 months now, I am completely immersed in the lives of these students. They tend to be a little more open about their lives than students at a traditional high school. These kids have been through some seriously tough stuff and have gotten in major trouble.

Last night, as I was sitting on my comfy couch with Dave, eating spaghetti and watching TV...I couldn't get the hardships of my students out of my mind. I have 1 that is completely homeless. She is 17, has a 4 month old son, and they travel from shelter to shelter each night. The father is abusive and the baby has been sick since the day he was born. That's just 1 of my students.

Having said these things (and thank you for listening) I decided this week that I am devoted to this job. These kids might not have anyone that cares for them (or shows it). If I can be a smiling face for them, then I need to be there. Doing that. And that is what's important right now.


Julie Allen said...

You are the best "dumpee" because you care:)

Shums said...

I have no doubt your support means the world to them. That's usually the effect you have on people. :)

Kirsten said...

That's a perfect job for you, Jess. You are an amazing and lovely person. I'm glad those kids have you.

Liz Perriton said...

Ok so I never read blogs, but what I just read was worth reading. Kinda made me tear up a little. I love you!

Brianna Scott said...

Wow I find it amazing that the girl living in shelters is coming to school. That is some real dedication. You have always had a gift with teens, and wow are you able to use it here. What a blessing for you and them.