
Some Things are Just More Fun

So having babies changes your life...a lot.  Like - don't even plan on going anywhere cause you ain't gonna make it.  Someone will poo their pants and get hungry before you make it out the door.  So we just have to adjust and do more things at home or take 1 baby with 1 adult somewhere.

And doing that has proven to be a lot of fun.

For example:

Saturday - Jane and I went to a baby shower together.  All morning I was telling her she was going to a girl's party with me.

While we went to the baby shower, Ethan and Dave went to look at a car, which they ended up buying (97 Acura RL).

Also, gardening is even more fun when you have two little sweeties watching you, enjoying the breeze (or in Ethan's case...annoyed by it).

And my favorite of all, a few days ago we put the babies in our bed to watch us while we cleaned the bathroom.  They look so grown up chilling in our bed:

So while we miss going out and doing some things...some things are just more fun with babies in our lives.

p.s. Tomorrow is my 6 YEAR anniversary with d. davey shums.  And since his parents are in town...we get to go out to dinner!


Easter Sunday

This Easter was especially fun since we had 2 little cuties to dress up for church.

He likes to play with Dave's tie

Love this face...she's not too sure about the amount of excitement on my face.

My little lady

My sweet boy

I put them next to each other on the couch, check out the progression:

It was a great day and we even made it to 2 out of 3 meetings at church before we had to go home for multiple feedings and diaper changes!


First Day at Church

We took the babies to church for the first time this past Sunday.  How did they do?  Dave was out in the hall with Ethan about 5 minutes after it started and Jane slept the whole time.  Ethan got hungry a little early (or maybe he didn't like the organ...it was one of those problems) so he missed most of the meeting.

But look how cute they look!  Jane got a few more pictures because after one photo Ethan was DONE having the camera in his face.  :)

E looks a little concerned but he's oh so studly

She looks so grown up right here

Sleep smile

 And I just had to include this picture of Ethan on Dave's lap.  Love this little boy.


Happy Friday

This week we:
Tried out the double stroller.
Verdict? Liked it a lot

Duked it out over who had to take a bath first.

Tried on new outfits and grew out of 3 pairs of pants.  They became capris.

Took some good naps and increased the size of double chins.

What a good week it was.


Bath Time with Mimi

Ok I admit it, I am kind of nervous to submerge these slippery little babies in water.  So I have been sponge bathing them since we brought them home from the hospital.  Well, now that Mimi is in town, she gave them their first sink bath and they loved it.  Kind of.  There were mixed emotions.  But I think it was a good first introduction to a real bath.

Fun times.  Also guess what?  Since I became a mom, I have taken on this new brave bug killing role.  There was a spider in the kitchen the other day and I was holding Jane when I saw it.  I literally ran at the spider and stepped on it so fast that it didn't even know what was coming.  Usually I would have said something like, "Daaaave there's a spider in the kitchen, come kill it, ew hurry it's crawling really fast and getting closer to me!!"

Not any more.  That spider was an immediate threat to my family (you never know if those things can jump...5 feet 9 inches in the air...but still).

Brave New Mom
If I saw a cockroach though, we would move.

6 Weeks Old

We made it 6 weeks!

Hard to believe Jane and Ethan are 6 weeks old already.  I love their double chins, their growing personalities, their smiles, and their little noises.

Still very expressive with her hands.  Gives us the "talk to the hand" when she's bothered by what we're doing.  We finally caught it on camera:
 Talk to the Hand

She means business when she's hungry and has been like that from day 1.  She smiles more and more every day and loves to be held while she's sleeping (uh oh).

Since passing Jane up in the weight category he's really taking this weight gain thing seriously.  His double chin is my new favorite thing in life. 
He is still very curious and doesn't like to be held in any position where he's missing out on things.  He stretches every limb of his body every time you un-swaddle him and yawns simultaneously. 

Happy 6 Weeks to my babies.